
Hey there! Today, we’re going to dive into a fun and candid video where a couple, Chris and Lizzie, address assumptions about their relationship. They discuss various topics, from how they met to their decision-making processes, and even touch on their sex life. Let’s break down some key points from this engaging conversation.

Met Through Peter McKinnon

Contrary to assumptions, Chris and Lizzie did not meet through Peter McKinnon. Their encounter happened over pizza in a random part of Toronto a couple of years ago. Despite knowing Peter, their relationship predates this meeting.

Dynamic of Arguments

While assumptions suggested that the couple has tons of arguments, Chris and Lizzie clarify that their disagreements are more like “micro jabs” over small things. It’s not about frequent fights but rather minor disagreements that add up.

Friendship and Sex Life

The couple affirms having a friendly relationship and an active sex life that goes through waves. They humorously liken the intensity of their intimate moments to “tsunamis,” indicating fluctuating levels of passion in their relationship.

Decision-Making Differences

Lizzie reveals that Chris tends to hesitate more on decisions compared to her. She values input from others and considers various perspectives before making choices, which can lead to a more cautious approach in decision-making.

Culinary Skills

Addressing the assumption that Chris is the better cook, Lizzie jokingly mentions that she has been feeding Chris for years without receiving due credit for her culinary efforts. She highlights how Chris learned to cook various dishes over time, challenging the initial notion.

Financial Support in Careers

The couple acknowledges receiving support in the form of education funding from their parents but clarifies that it wasn’t extravagant assistance. While they benefited from certain privileges, such as living rent-free at home, they didn’t receive substantial financial gifts for their careers.

Living in Toronto

Chris and Lizzie express a strong attachment to Toronto and have no immediate plans to move away. While they may explore living in other places temporarily, Toronto remains their primary residence due to familial ties and personal preferences.

Professional and Romantic Relationship Challenges

The couple dispels the notion that navigating a professional and romantic relationship is always easy for them. They attribute their compatibility to shared values and goals but acknowledge that challenges arise, emphasizing that what works for them may not apply universally.

Gear Organization

Chris and Lizzie admit to having gear organization disagreements in the past but have since found a solution by labeling and separating their equipment. By assigning ownership of specific items, they have minimized conflicts over gear management.

Equal Levels of Desire

When it comes to intimacy, the couple shares that the levels of desire in their relationship fluctuate between them. Sometimes one partner may feel more “horny” than the other, showcasing the ebb and flow of physical connection within their dynamic.


In conclusion, Chris and Lizzie’s candid discussion sheds light on the nuances of their relationship, debunking assumptions and offering insights into their unique dynamics. Their openness and humor in addressing various topics showcase the complexities and simplicities of love, communication, and partnership.

Related Questions:

1. Do Chris and Lizzie prioritize open communication in their relationship?
– Yes, Chris and Lizzie emphasize the importance of open communication in their relationship, allowing them to address issues and misunderstandings effectively.

2. How do Chris and Lizzie handle disagreements in their relationship?
– Chris and Lizzie navigate disagreements by approaching them as “micro jabs” over minor issues, maintaining a respectful and understanding dynamic in their communication.

3. What role does humor play in Chris and Lizzie’s relationship?
– Humor serves as a significant element in Chris and Lizzie’s relationship, enabling them to address sensitive topics with light-heartedness and mutual understanding.

4. How do Chris and Lizzie maintain individuality within their partnership?
– Chris and Lizzie maintain individuality by respecting each other’s preferences, decisions, and personal space, allowing for a harmonious balance between togetherness and independence.

5. What advice do Chris and Lizzie have for couples navigating both professional and romantic relationships?
– Chris and Lizzie recommend aligning values, communicating openly, and acknowledging that challenges may arise in balancing professional and romantic dynamics, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and understanding.

By Delbert