Our Intimate Cozy Cottage Weddingand spicy afterparty


As a photographer who loves to travel, I have had the opportunity to witness and capture various beautiful moments around the world. Today, I want to share with you a unique experience – a behind-the-scenes look at a wedding day captured through the lens of a bride.

Pre-wedding Anticipation

The night before the wedding is filled with a mix of emotions – excitement, nerves, and a touch of humor. The bride reflects on her journey towards marriage and the unexpected joy of the moment.

Getting Ready

The morning of the wedding is a flurry of activity as the bride gets ready, surrounded by loved ones. From putting on makeup to savoring breakfast, each moment is a blend of anticipation and joy.

Emotional Moments

As the day unfolds, the bride shares her thoughts on potential tears and the overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude. Despite the emotional rollercoaster, she embraces the magic of the day.

The Ceremony

The wedding ceremony is a beautiful celebration of love as the couple exchanges vows and seals their commitment with a kiss. Family and friends gather to witness this special moment.

Unexpected Events

Amidst the wedding festivities, unexpected moments like a chipmunk encounter add a touch of humor and spontaneity to the day. These unplanned events become cherished memories in the tapestry of the wedding day.

Post-wedding Celebration

After the ceremony, the newlyweds relax and enjoy the company of their guests. From playing games to sharing a meal, the day ends on a joyful note as they revel in the start of their new journey together.

The Contest

Amidst the wedding celebrations, the bride reveals a surprise – a vlogging contest with a chance to win a vlogging kit. She shares the rules and guidelines for entering the contest, inviting viewers to participate in sharing their world through vlogging.


As the wedding day comes to a close, the bride expresses gratitude to all who shared in their special day and invites viewers to enter the vlogging contest for a chance to win a coveted vlogging kit.

Related Questions

1. What theme does the bride suggest for the vlogging contest?
The theme of the vlogging contest suggested by the bride is “Enter My World,” where participants are encouraged to showcase their passions and interests.

2. How can participants enter the vlogging contest?
Participants can enter the vlogging contest by uploading their video to YouTube, setting the video to public, titling it “Sony Vlog Challenge,” adding their Instagram account to the video description, and submitting before the deadline.

3. What is the prize for the vlogging contest?
The prize for the vlogging contest is a vlogging camera kit, which the bride showcases as she encourages viewers to participate in the contest.

4. What emotions does the bride experience on the wedding day?
The bride experiences a mix of emotions, including excitement, nerves, gratitude, and love, as she prepares for and celebrates her wedding day.

5. How does the bride reflect on her journey towards marriage?
The bride reflects on her journey towards marriage with a sense of humor and disbelief, considering it a miracle that she is getting married at all.

By Delbert