As a travel SLP I get to plan my year to work for me and I love that about travel


As a medical travel speech-language pathologist (SLP), planning your year effectively is crucial to balancing work and personal pursuits. Let’s delve into how you can strategize your schedule to make the most of your skills and passions throughout the year.

Working the First 6 Months

It’s essential to kickstart your year by dedicating the first six months to work from January through June. This allows you to front-load your earnings and set a solid financial foundation for the rest of the year.

Reassessing in July

Come July, it’s time to reassess your situation. As someone who also engages in copywriting and digital marketing on the side, evaluating your client list is key. This evaluation will help you determine if taking the next six months off to focus on copywriting and leisurely travel is a viable option.

Flexible Work Schedule

Maintaining a flexible work schedule enables you to pick up assignments as needed. Consider allocating time for potential work in July, August, and September while keeping the last three months of the year free from clinical work.

Yearly Planning and Goal Setting

For a traveler like yourself, it’s crucial to think holistically about the entire year. Start each January by setting clear goals and outlining what you aim to achieve professionally and personally. By proactively planning your year, you can work towards accomplishing these goals effectively.

Related Questions

1. How can front-loading work in the first six months benefit a medical travel SLP?

Front-loading work in the initial months allows a medical travel SLP to secure their earnings for the year, providing financial stability and flexibility for the remainder of the year.

2. Why is it important for a medical travel SLP to reassess their situation in July?

Reassessing in July enables a medical travel SLP to evaluate their client list for copywriting and digital marketing, helping them make informed decisions about taking time off for leisurely travel and focusing on other professional endeavors.

3. How does maintaining a flexible work schedule benefit a medical travel SLP?

A flexible work schedule allows a medical travel SLP to selectively pick up assignments based on their availability and preferences, ensuring a balanced approach to work and leisure throughout the year.

4. Why is yearly planning and goal setting crucial for a medical travel SLP?

Yearly planning and goal setting help a medical travel SLP visualize their professional and personal objectives, enabling them to align their efforts towards achieving these goals and maximizing their experiences throughout the year.

5. How can a medical travel SLP ensure a well-rounded approach to work and travel?

By strategically planning their schedule, evaluating opportunities for additional work, and prioritizing personal interests, a medical travel SLP can strike a balance between their clinical responsibilities and leisurely pursuits, ensuring a fulfilling year ahead.

By Delbert